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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mona Shafer Edwards - Courtroom Sketches.

Mona Shafer is an American Courtroom Artist, and has been present at some of the most infamous celebrity trials of the last twenty-five years.

Her sketches look like fashion illustrations.

Lindsey Lohan (notice the Louboutins!)

Anna Nicole Smith

OJ Simpson

Courtney Love

Michael Jackson

Paris Hilton

Friday, November 19, 2010

Ponte Milvio, Rome.

In late 2006, the bridge began attracting couples, who use a lamppost on the bridge to hang padlocks as a sign of their love.
The ritual involves the couple locking the padlock to the lamppost, then throwing the key behind them into the Tiber.
The ritual was invented by author Federico Moccia for his popular book and movie 'I Want You'.
Similar 'locks of love' traditions have appeared in other places in Italy and Europe.

About Me

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Dublin, Ireland
I am a Fine Art student and I sometimes blog my ~illustrations~ on the internet. Sweet.