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Friday, March 11, 2011

James Nizan.

The Anteroom Series by James Nizam is a beautiful and mindbending series of photographs. The Vancuver-based artist turned soon to be demolished homes into room size camera obscuras.

JKB FLetcher.

Carbon Black ‘In The Flesh’ by JKB Fletcher is a series of unbelievable hyper-realistic up-close paintings.

JKB Fletcher is a fine artist, living in Melbourne, Australia.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Overheard On The Titanic - Austin Kleon

"Overheard On The Titanic is part of my ongoing series of Newspaper Blackout Poems: poetry made by taking an article from The New York Times and blacking it out with a Sharpie marker, leaving only a few choice words behind. This poem came from a theater review."

About Me

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Dublin, Ireland
I am a Fine Art student and I sometimes blog my ~illustrations~ on the internet. Sweet.